Okay, so anyone who follows our blog realizes by now, I'm really bad at this! I've never been a journaler and apparently online journaling isn't my gift either! Of course our pastor would tell you this "lack of gifting" is the most common excuse for laziness, so maybe that's my problem! Anyway, a lot has happened in the last few months, but I will share just the highlights that I have pictures for--because let's face it, that's the fun thing about blogging!
May was an exciting month because my new nephew was born!!!! He weighed exactly 8 lbs. and in 6 short week has blossomed into a hefty 12 lb handsome boy! Sister Sophie is, for the most part, adjusting well--though Dave and I plan to stick close to help her through the difficulties of being a first born! :-)
Just a few days after Aaron's birth, (oh yeah, I guess I forgot to mention his name! Aaron Joshua Kintigh) we got to go on vacation to Disneyworld with Dave's mom, sister, and brother-in-law! We had a WONDERFUL time and will treasure those memories for a long time. Oh, and if anyone is thinking about going, we got a great deal on a beautiful condo just a couple minutes from the parks that I'd be happy to tell you about! Below are some picture highlights of our trip!

We are now very much back to work. Dave has VBS this next week at church and is in the process of taking on more associate pastor roles. He is also thinking of seminary in the fall. It will be weird to have him doing school again, but we are also excited about what he will learn. I am adding a couple days a week as church secretary to my schedule during the month of July. (A new secretary has been hired, but they need someone to fill in before she starts). We will also be taking a team of high school students to Tumalo (a small town outside of Bend) to put on a VBS for a church that doesn't have the resources to do so on their own. We are looking forward to a visit from Dave's grandparents at the end of July and also during that time, Dave will be doing some preaching, as our pastor is out of town for 3 weeks. Hopefully, somewhere in there, I will have another blog post to tell you more!