Well, something I didn't mention in our summer update is the discovery that we will be having a baby sometime this next Spring (end of March/early April). It's an exciting/terrifying time in our lives! Exciting, because babies are always a wonderful miracle, and it really is cool to think that the little guy or gal is a part of me and my sweet husband. Terrifying because let's face it, being sick all the time, then getting fat, and then having to go through the worst pain known to mankind all before bringing into this world a very real person that we will be responsible for is a pretty overwhelming thing! We are praying that our baby is developing well, and that he or she will accept our Lord at a very early point in life and live for Jesus. We are also praying that we will be good parents and that God will give us the wisdom and strength to do the right thing, even when it's hard! We are so thankful for the support of our wonderful, godly families and friends and know that God has truly blessed us.